Momento is a private chef service that believes in creating an unforgettable experience for our clients, one that goes beyond just the food on the plate. We believe that every moment is an opportunity to create memories that will last a lifetime. 

Moments are served...
not courses

More than just food...

It’s not about the food...
yet it is 100% about the food!

"At Momento, our emphasis is not solely on the food, but it is indeed integral to our mission. We work closely with local farmers and artisans to source the finest ingredients, carefully select the finest cattle from the far reaches of Spain, and source our wine from the finest vineyards. I approach my cooking with a sense of narrative and passion, using fire as my palette. We will treat you like royalty, but that is not our primary objective. You will pay us well, but we are not motivated by profit. We do not offer a traditional set menu for you to choose from. Instead, during the booking process, you will have the option to select from four different culinary genres.  Our aim is to create a truly unforgettable evening for you. You will end the night with stomachs, hearts, and minds full! “

— Chef Sean Champ Smith

About Chef Sean

Momento is Sean's heart personified. He selects his ingredients as meticulously as an artist chooses his paints, drawing from Spain's rich regional palette of seasonal ingredients to create artisanal dishes of great depth, taste and meaning.

Based on his experiences outside of Spain's boarders Champ has cultivated a unique culinary skill-set since he was 18. He has traveled to over 45 countries with endless stories and inspiration. Not to mention being married to an Argentinian wife who immigrated to Spain. Their collective hearts, coupled with the home they’ve created, has inspired them to give meaningful experiences to others. It helps that they have a secret cave as their dinning room. Whether Chef Sean comes to your home or you go to his, there will always be moments to remember.

That is, Momento.

“Momento embodies everything that I believe in. The table is arguably one of the most influential places in all of humanity. Healing, nourishment, and inspiration can be found. Whether that's with family, friends, or complete strangers....such moments are important to the quality of our life.”
- Chef Sean